10 Best One-Off Characters In The Marvel Cinematic Universe

5. Hela

Thor Ragnarok Hela Cate Blanchett
Marvel Studios

Cate Blanchett as a Thor villain seems like a match made in heaven. Thor and Loki's sister acts as the Thor: Ragnarok antagonist, and within seconds of screen time, proves that even other Gods are no match for her. She destroys Thor's hammer like it's made of paper, kills the Warriors Three, and claims Asgard as her own all during the first half of the film.

Blanchett clearly has a blast in the role, bringing so much smarm and attitude to Hela. She's as smug as Thor and as evil as Loki in the brothers first appearance in Thor. She as a characters represents Odin's failures, and foils both Thor and Loki beautifully.

Though the film ends with her apparent demise at the hands of Surtur during the descrtuction of Asgard, Hela was a great character while she lasted.


Richard C. Kraus (Richie to pretty much everyone) is an American college student and world record holder for most views of the 2015 film Ant-Man. He aspires to be a screenwriter, actor, and not tired.