10 Best Performances In The Star Wars Franchise

7. Daisy Ridley - Rey

Star Wars Kylo Ren

Daisy Ridley had a lot riding on her shoulders when she was cast in the much anticipated Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, and whilst sometimes her character falls flat, this is more due to the poor writing than her performance.

Rey is a fantastic protagonist - strong, passionate, loyal, unsure about her future but still willing to fight for it, and tough in the face of overwhelming odds. She also has a pretty great arc, despite some narrative missteps as the trilogy progressed, becoming a supremely powerful Jedi by the films' end.

Ridley plays every aspect of Rey with conviction and ends up creating a solid heroine and almost instantly likable role model. Whether proving her worth as a fighter, trying her hand at being a leader, taking the time to be a good friend or attempting to bring Luke back to the fold, Ridley managed to make every one of her plot points fun to watch and made Rey easy to root for in the process.

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