10 Best Performances In The Star Wars Franchise

6. Carrie Fisher - Leia Organa

Star Wars Kylo Ren

Princess Leia was the role Carrie Fisher was made to play. Smart, regal but tough-as-nails and street smart, the princess turned Rebellion leader is a cinematic icon, and Fisher's performance is perfect.

Bringing humour and intelligence to a character that could have easily fallen flat or been far too unlikable, Fisher steals the show in nearly every one of her scenes. Whether caught in a love triangle, proving to be a born leader, or out-witting all the men she finds herself verbally sparring with, Leia managed to be both hilarious and intimidating thanks to Fisher's performance.

Fisher returned to the series with The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi, and tragically passed away before filming The Rise of Skywalker. Previously unused footage allowed the Sequel's final entry to give both Leia and Fisher a fitting send-off, allowing fans the chance to say goodbye to an actress and a character who helped shape Star Wars into the phenomenon it is today.

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