10 Best Sci-Fi Films People Who Hate Sci-Fi Should Watch

8. Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind

Colossal Anne Hathaway
Focus Features

If exploring the mind is hazardous, then erasing memories is a bad idea. Science fiction can and will explore every place and plane of existence, and the human brain is no exception.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind details why even the more challenging moments in our lives are important to us, as they're all interconnected.

Joel, played by Jim Carrey, erases the memories of ex-girlfriend Clementine, played by Kate Winslet, after learning she has done the same. When the procedure begins, Joel is content with his decision. It's not until happier events start getting erased that he realizes he doesn't want to forget her. Joel attempts to halt the process, but ultimately the procedure restarts, and all knowledge of Clementine is lost.

This movie is a heartbreaking but uplifting story about the human condition. We see the characters make selfish decisions, only to see the error of their ways when it's too late. We hate the bad things that happen to us, but those memories make us who we are in many circumstances. Joel realizes this when he learns he is losing the better parts of his life, coming to terms with the fact that there is no good without the bad.

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Dominic is an aspiring writer from San Francisco. He likes dogs.