10 Best Second Kills In Horror Movies

3. The Garbage Man - Child's Play 3

Evil Dead 2013

Child's Play 3 may be a fundamentally ridiculous movie, but for a series centered around an animate toy murdering people, its second kill is almost unmatched in its unrelenting, depressing cruelty.

Early in the film, Chucky (Brad Dourif) gets thrown into a garbage truck outside the military school where the target of his obsession, Andy Barclay (Justin Whalin), is residing.

With the truck about to crush Chucky, he starts screaming for help, at which point the man driving the truck frantically climbs into the back to rescue him, believing him to be, y'know, a human being worth saving.

But as the man searches through the bags, Chucky sneaks out behind him and, inevitably, turns the compactor on, crushing the guy to death.

For a series known for its camp, this was a shockingly grim death scene, where a totally innocent party got turned to bloody mush in his attempt to save a life.

Yet it's certainly an effectively visceral sequence that lingers on the suffering of this poor guy realising he's made a fatal mistake.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.