10 Best Second Kills In Horror Movies

2. Olivia - Evil Dead (2013)

Evil Dead 2013

After a brutal opening sequence in which a young Deadite-possessed girl is burned alive and shot by her own father, the next victim in 2013's Evil Dead remake is poor Olivia (Jessica Lucas), who becomes possessed after an already-possessed Mia (Jane Levy) pukes red bile onto her face.

And boy, Olivia's subsequent death scene sure isn't mercifully brief - it's nasty, prolonged, and honestly quite incredible if you've got the stomach for it.

Olivia starts by carving a massive chunk of her own face off in the bathroom, and when her pal Eric (Lou Taylor Pucci) stumbles upon the nightmarish scene, she starts stabbing him, like you do.

Acting in panicked self-defense, Eric responds by grabbing the nearest blunt object, which just so happens to be the toilet lid, and bashing her brains in with it.

Director Fede Álvarez spares no grisly detail as Olivia's cranium is destroyed, in turn assuring fans of the franchise that this new take wouldn't be pulling its punches.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.