10 Best Star Wars Expanded Universe Stories

8. Star Wars: Bounty Hunter

bountyhunter_1_3 Let's just man up and face the truth already. Jedi Knights are boring. They're these practically invincible protagonists until the story mandates that they die, they try not to have personal feelings about anything which makes them cold and aloof, and they seemingly always do the right thing. Kind of like Superman, one of the worst protagonists ever. Nothing can hurt him and he always does the right thing no matter what so there's not much emotional conflict. That said, we all love Luke, we all learned wisdom from Yoda, we all want to be Obi-Wan with a master like Qui-Gon, and none of us want get on Mace Windu's bad side. However, Jedi Knights in general, are still boring. You know what's really awesome? Mandalorians, the Star Wars version of space Vikings. The hammer of the gods and whispered tales of gore that makes up the Mandalorian mythos alone is enough to make any guy fall in love with Star Wars. Here is an entire race of Boba Fetts that flew around the galaxy fighting people just for the fun of it and speaking of Fett, the story of the Mandalorians begins at the end with his father, Jango. The video game Star Wars: Bounty Hunter featured the deadly Jango Fett pitted against huge monsters, wicked nasty rivals, and a Satanic (use that word figuratively) dark Jedi cult whose leader is an incredibly scary witch named Komari Vosa. It also put Jango into the depths of an interstellar prison riot where the gamer learns the origin of his ship, Slave I. Sound better than a Yoda origin movie yet?
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aka The Thompsonator. Action movie & shooter game fanatic. Biggest weakness? Taking things over the top... The internet is the disease. Meet the cure. Find more action on my Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/ActionRation