10 Best Star Wars Expanded Universe Stories

6. The Bounty Hunter Wars

Boba_Fett_Wallpaper Why stop with Jango Fett and instead go double or nothing? If there isn't going to be a Boba Fett spin-off movie there better not be any spin-off movies. This guy is easily the most popular character of the entire Star Wars saga with the least amount of screen time. Darth Maul doesn't even hold a candle to Boba Fett's popularity, which is crazy because the first time Fett was ever seen was in the Star Wars Holiday Special. Yikes, what a tough way to debut. Boba Fett has not only stood the test of time in popularity contests, but he has also got a tale to tell of his own. The trilogy of books called The Bounty Hunter Wars follows him as he escapes the Sarlacc pit, recovers with the help of another bounty hunter, and then proceeds to show everyone in the galaxy that he is one bad dude. The brutal Boba is both a wizard of death and setting traps and puts the fear of God in anyone with a price on their heads. Can't wait to see his spin-off movie. It's got to happen, his awesomeness mandates it. 2196716-bobafett
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aka The Thompsonator. Action movie & shooter game fanatic. Biggest weakness? Taking things over the top... The internet is the disease. Meet the cure. Find more action on my Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/ActionRation