10 Best Superhero Movie Moments Of The Last Decade

7. Man Of Steel - Destroying The World Engine

Thor Spin
Warner Bros.

One of the most divisive films in the genre's biggest moment. Stunning and underrated, much like the film itself in many ways.

Say what you will about Man Of Steel, but there are a number of things that Zack Snyder's Superman flick has that really make it stand out from other entries in the genre. It's visually stunning, has an amazing Hans Zimmer score to complement its visual delights, and it also captures the essence of what heroism actually is.

The most powerful scene in the film is overshadowed by the controversial neck-snap that comes not long after, but this scene right here was the heart of not only the movie but also the character of Superman. We see the son of Krypton alone, literally being weighed down by the crushing power of the world he originates from. But at this moment he chooses to stand for the world he has lived his life on, and despite being out-matched and over-powered, he carries on through sheer force of will and saves the world, even though it may cost him his life.

This is one of the most crucial points to Superman's character and it is stunningly realised on screen. It is one of the best individual acts of heroism and self-sacrifice in any superhero film from any period and worthy of inclusion on this list.


Sam Ring hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.