10 Best Superhero Movies Of The 80s

6. The Incredible Hulk Returns

Batman 1989

Before Taika Waititi and Ragnarok, it was 1988’s Incredible Hulk Returns that became the first movie to bring the Incredible One and the Prince of Asgard together. Admittedly the special effects here are exactly what you would expect from a movie over 30 years ago and Lou Ferrigno’s Hulk looks less gamma ray powered monster and more a jacked up version of David Bowie covered in fungus. But it’s not always about the technological aspect of a movie. The performance and delivery matter too.

Part of the Incredible Hulk TV series from back in 70s, this made for television movie begins with Dr Banner on the run from the world, like he is in all Hulk movies. The goal, as ever, to find a cure for his condition. Just when it seemed like he was on the verge of it, one of his former students show up to threaten his cover. What’s more, the student had brought with him an Asgardian friend.

Thor, here on Earth because he was banished by Odin first clashes with and then joins Hulk in the fight against the real bad guys. And if you need to be told that this was a secret criminal organization trying to weaponize Banner’s inventions, then you probably have never seen a Hulk movie.

The movie did excellent numbers with the ratings and despite the borderline comedic visuals, had enough substance packed into the characters to make audiences take it seriously.

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After battling Galactus and pinning Hulk Hogan in the main event of Wrestlemania, I've taken a break from living in fantasy worlds, to focus on writing about them. I'm a comic book geek, a wrestling mark, a break dancer, and a scientist. One of those things may not be true.