10 Best Superhero Movies Of The 80s

2. Superman II

Batman 1989
Warner Bros. Pictures

Christopher Reeve’s run as Superman is genuinely considered as one of the greatest superhero portrayals ever. He was simply the perfect Superman, capturing everything that makes the character great. In 1980, he put on the Red Cape for the second in the critically acclaimed Superman II

What makes this movie so great is how it builds on the Superman mythos. Here, he doesn’t start as a near all-powerful higher figure flying over humankind as its salvation. No, here Superman or Clark Kent rather, wants to give up all that to live a normal life beside the love of his life, Lois Lane.

And for a while, it seemed like he would get his wish. After revealing to Lois his true identity, Kal uses a special chamber in the Fortress of Solitude to nullify his powers and become a regular mortal. Unfortunately, here to play spoil-sport, were General Zod and his cronies.

Having escaped the Phantom Zone and made a subsequent alliance with the newly freed Lex Luthor, Zod manages to bring the world to its knees. With the world’s governments forced to surrender, humanity’s only hope is Superman.

In the end, Kal is forced to regain his powers, defeat Zod and even sacrifice that perfect life with Lois he wanted so badly because his duties would always put her in jeopardy. The movie offers a gripping re-contextualization of what it means to hold great power with regards to the impact it has on the persona’s emotions.

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After battling Galactus and pinning Hulk Hogan in the main event of Wrestlemania, I've taken a break from living in fantasy worlds, to focus on writing about them. I'm a comic book geek, a wrestling mark, a break dancer, and a scientist. One of those things may not be true.