10 Best Teen Comedies Of The Decade

7. Easy A

Eighth Grade
Screen Gems

If there's one thing we can thank Easy A for, it's introducing us to the comedic genius of its star Emma Stone. Sure, we may have already known her from Superbad and The House Bunny, but this was the first movie that really allowed her to shine.

And shine, she did. In fact, she plays the lead so well, many consider this as her signature role. To the teens who watched this when this came out, Emma Stone will always be Olive. Not Gwen Stacy, not Mia Dolan, but Olive Penderghast, the snarky sardonic protagonist who faked being a slut to become popular.

While the film itself isn't particularly emotional or subversive (or even for that matter, realistic), it is ridiculously funny, filled with so many clever one-liners and sidesplitting scenes. If you decide to watch this, don't be surprised if you end up finding yourself laughing while rolling on the floor.

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Eighth Grade
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Writer, visual designer, and The Simpsons fan. Still hasn't finished Super Mario Bros. 3 and probably never will. Rocks at board games, though.