10 Best Teen Comedies Of The Decade

6. Me And Earl And The Dying Girl

Eighth Grade
Fox Searchlight Pictures

Don't let the last half of its title fool you. Me and Earl and the Dying Girl is every bit as funny as it is sad, maybe even more so.

Based on the YA novel by Jesse Andrews, this film will probably be dismissed by many as just another teenage illness story that's a product of The Fault in Our Stars's popularity. But you might be pleasantly surprised to find out how well this film subverts those tropes, instead opting for a hilarious realistic portrayal of friendship, teen angst, and dealing with immortality.

But yes, it is sad. You will cry. Even if you see the ending coming from a mile away, you will cry. But unlike its fellow YA peers like Everything, Everything and If I Stay, the tear jerks don't feel cheap or manipulative. Instead, the emotions feel real because of how well-developed and believable the characters and their friendships were.

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Eighth Grade
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Writer, visual designer, and The Simpsons fan. Still hasn't finished Super Mario Bros. 3 and probably never will. Rocks at board games, though.