10 Best Teen Comedies Of The Decade

5. Sing Street

Eighth Grade

Have you ever been a young kid, listening to your favorite album in the middle of the night, wondering if you'll ever find your place in the world? If so, you're guaranteed to love Sing Street, John Carney's love letter to the music we grew up listening to that made us who we are.

Oh, if only 2009's Bandslam had gotten big. More films like this could've been made. Still, a film like this could really only be made by someone who has a deep love and appreciation for music, and if you've ever seen a John Carney film, you know he's exactly that. So much love and care went into this film, and it shows in every scene.

Not to mention, this film has a pretty kick-ass soundtrack. Drive It Like You Stole It, the film's highlight original song, is such a banger it's sure to put the biggest smile on your face when you listen to it.

John Carney created something special with Sing Street, a film so charming and colorful you'll have its music stuck in your head for days.

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Eighth Grade
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Writer, visual designer, and The Simpsons fan. Still hasn't finished Super Mario Bros. 3 and probably never will. Rocks at board games, though.