10 Best Teen Comedies Of The Decade

4. Booksmart

Eighth Grade
United Artists

Trying new things outside of your comfort zone is one of those things that define your teenage years, and hoo boy, do the two leads in Booksmart try new things. At times, this film can get silly, but who cares when you're having too much fun? The film is so lively and fast-paced it's almost as if writer-director Olivia Wilde was making it on a high-wire.

There is also great chemistry between Beanie Feldstein and Kaitlyn Dever, which without it, the film wouldn't have been half as great. After all, how can you make a film about friendship when the two leads aren't even believable as best friends?

But above all, this film knows where its heart is: in the dynamic friendship between its two female leads. Booksmart's humor may not be for everybody, but not since Superbad have we seen a raunchy comedy take advantage of its genre in such a memorable way.

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Eighth Grade
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Writer, visual designer, and The Simpsons fan. Still hasn't finished Super Mario Bros. 3 and probably never will. Rocks at board games, though.