10 Best Trailers Of 2013

2. Iron Man 3

Everybody loves Robert Downey Jnr, or RDJ as he is known to absolutely no one except journalists who are too lazy to type his name out in full, and Tony Stark was possibly a part he was born to play. When he finally hangs up his iron boots it will be a brave man that dares to fill them, primarily because Iron Man 3 made almost enough money to wipe out the third world debt. Its colossal 2013 haul sees it currently topping the box office charts and was helped in no small part by a trailer more exciting than copulating on a roller coaster. Why It Works: "Mum, there's like a million Iron Men!" That was the overjoyed outburst from one particularly exuberant and fiercely Bristolian child sat behind me while the Iron Man 3 trailer blasted across the screen at my local multiplex. He wasn't wrong €“ at the end of a trailer in which saw Tony's wise-cracking demeanour break to reveal a soul of pure anger, more explosions than you could shake a stick of dynamite at, and a plot which seemingly managed to incorporate The Mandarin in a way that couldn't be classed as xenophobic or racist, we saw 'a million Iron Men' take to the sky. It's a stunning shot and everything a superhero trailer should display, the promise of excitement and heroics. That the *spoiler alert* 'Iron Men' in question turned out to be as empty as the vendetta between Tony and The Mandarin is by the by, the trailer did its job perfectly and it was spectacular.

I look like Sue Perkins. I have a beard. I write and make films but not necessarily in that order.