10 Best TV Villains Of The 2000s

5. Lucretia – Spartacus

lucy lawless spartacus

Lucy Lawless will always be remembered for her portrayal of the princess warrior, Xena, but her second face, as the villain Lucretia in the series of Spartacus won’t be soon forgotten either.

Through cunning and tricks she climbs up the social ladder alongside her equally evil husband, Quintus Batiatus. She treats her slaves like work animals and uses them for sexual entertainment. Lucretia is a complex character living between love and deception as she explores an affair behind her husband’s back, who she loves and pushes forward.

Her and her husband’s reign, however, comes to an end when their prized gladiator revolts and her fate changes throughout the show, becoming more and more tragic.


I like to think of myself as a world traveler and social butterfly, although I do spend a lot of my time watching the latest Japanese anime series, sitcoms, movies, and drama series. I live on the island of Crete, where I was born, and enjoy walking on the beach with my little cocker spaniel, Molly, when I'm not writing for WhatCulture.com and UNILAD.co.uk.