10 Best Vampire Movies Of The 2000s

7. Thirst (2009)

Blade 2
Focus Features

Since Parasite won the Best Picture Oscar last year, it began a discussion about the importance of foreign film - how it's been overlooked in the past and is deserving of more overseas viewership.

One movie that might be a good place to start is Park Chan-wook's South Korean horror film Thirst. Based on the novel Therese Raquin by Emile Zola (1967) and originally titled "The Bat", Thirst follows a Catholic priest who finds himself with the bizarre ability to heal himself after a blood transfusion, an inexplicable occurrence which leads him to discover that he's a vampire.

As he attempts to control his bloodlust, the priest falls in love with his friend's wife and finds himself slipping further and further away from the man he once was.

Starring Parasite's Song Kang-ho, Thirst is a stylish, shocking, bloody film, full of terror and sporting a daring mix of sexuality and the gory aspects typical of the vampire genre. Not for the squeamish, it's a risky film which pays off endlessly, and is both an exceptional vampire movie and a compelling character study.

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I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.