10 Best Winter Themed Horror Films

6. Barricade

Wind Chill Emily Blunt
WWE Studios

Barricade is a 2012 atmospheric horror set over the harsh, cold snowstorms of winter. Directed by Andrew Currie and written by Michaelbrent Collings, the movie stars Will & Grace actor, Will McCormack.

In this winter-based production, we follow the story of central character Terence Shade, who decides to take his two children away to a cabin for the Christmas holidays. The cabin is one his wife, now deceased, used to go to when she was younger, so it holds some sentimental importance to Shade. During the family’s stay, the winter weather turns extremely bitter and they are forced to stay inside for warmth, safety and shelter. During their vacation, they begin experiencing bizarre and creepy events. Soon, you can't help but wonder exactly what is the true horror? Are there demons lurking, or is the true darkness in their minds only?

Barricade is a creepy, unsettling film that keeps you hooked. It’s definitely one to watch if you enjoy subtle, psychological themes.


I'm a freelance writer and published author. I'm very passionate about music, film and theatre. I've written features and produced promo for Music-News, Warner Music, Made In Shoreditch Magazine, Medium, Haunted Magazine and many others.