10 Best Winter Themed Horror Films

2. Wind Chill

Wind Chill Emily Blunt
Sony Pictures Releasing

Wind Chill is supernatural horror released in 2007. Directed by Gregory Jacobs and written by Joe Gangemi, the production stars Emily Blunt and Ashton Holmes as two students who decide to car share together to get home and visit their families for the upcoming Christmas holidays.

As the film progresses, we see the pair of students travelling unfamiliar routes in bad, snowy weather. During one particularly bad snowstorm, an oncoming vehicle sends the duo spinning off the road and they are both left stranded in cold, windy weather - left at mercy of the unforgiving natural elements.

During their time on the isolated road, the young students begin to see and hear strange things. Is the road haunted? Are there ghosts surrounding them or is something else at play? The central characters find themselves trapped and struggle to escape from the nightmare they've found themselves in. What starts out as a pleasant journey descends into madness. This tense and gripping thriller has plenty of jump scares and atmosphere. It will certainly put you off car sharing - especially at that time of year.


I'm a freelance writer and published author. I'm very passionate about music, film and theatre. I've written features and produced promo for Music-News, Warner Music, Made In Shoreditch Magazine, Medium, Haunted Magazine and many others.