10 Best X-Men Movies Fight Scenes

3. Quicksilver Frees Magneto - Days Of Future Past

Wolverine VS Lady Deathstrike
20th Century Fox

Perhaps the most one-sided fight in the entire X-Men series, Quicksilver’s debut in X-Men: Days of Future Past was masterful.

Helping Charles Xavier and Beast free Magneto from The Pentagon, Quicksilver had to take control when a host of guards ambushed them in the kitchen. Immediately thinking that Magneto would handle the situation, time suddenly freezes…and we see just how powerful Quicksilver can be.

With all the characters moving in slow motion except Quicksilver himself, the scene shows how having this ability would be a huge benefit to the team. Quicksilver pulls off feats such as running on the wall, giving on guard a wedgie and endlessly pranking the rest of the guards all in the blink of an eye.

The scene comes to an end as Quicksilver moves the bullets that were aiming at the group and the scene immediately snaps back to life as guards are flung everywhere. The rest of the protagonists look on in awe as Quicksilver simply shrugs.

Director Bryan Singer deserves an enormous amount of credit for directing this scene and creating one of the best debuts that the franchise has ever seen.

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Horror fanatic, exhausted wrestling fan and die hard Brendan Fraser stan.