10 Best X-Men Movies Fight Scenes

2. Logan's Beserker Rage - Logan

Wolverine VS Lady Deathstrike
20th Century Fox

In 2017, Hugh Jackman made his final appearance in the X-Men franchise with Logan, a gritty R-rated tale about the last days of Wolverine’s life. Despite the melancholic story, the film finally gave us the Wolverine we had been waiting for.

When helping a group of young mutants evade the capture of the Reavers, Logan injects himself with a serum that temporarily brings back his healing factor and raises his strength. This allows Logan to finally unleash the berserker rage that we all knew from the comics.

With beautiful stunt work, camera work and choreography, Logan rages through the forest racking up his kill count. This leads to a brutal team up battle with X-23, a mutant with very similar abilities to our protagonist.

Throughout all the violence and action, it is Jackman’s authentic performance that gives this scene such power. It really is Hugh Jackman’s finest hour as The Wolverine and he absolutely nailed it.

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Horror fanatic, exhausted wrestling fan and die hard Brendan Fraser stan.