10 Big 2017 Movies Destined To Flop

9. The Dark Tower

Power Rangers
Entertainment Weekly & Columbia

For the longest time The Dark Tower looked destined to remain in development hell; over the years many filmmakers have come and gone, trying to develop it as either a film or television series. Ron Howard wanted to make it a hybrid of both, but the studio ran screaming from that concept once they realised the potential cost.

After so many years the film is finally coming, with Idris Elba playing The Gunslinger and a plot that’s said to make it a semi-sequel to the books. Sounds good, but the film has been given a cautious budget and the subject matter might ultimately be too niche for the mainstream.

It’ll be great to finally see the world of The Dark Tower on the big screen, but the book is a dense mythology that needs room to breathe, and that could scare newcomers off. While Elba is perfectly cast he also has yet to breakthrough as a leading man in movies, and this might be the wrong one to test his drawing power.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.