10 Big 2017 Movies Destined To Flop
5. Rings

The J-horror wave that once swept through Hollywood like a flood, producing the likes of The Grudge, Dark Water and *shudders* One Missed Call, has long since dried up. The idea of a pale skinned ghost girl with unruly black hair no longer holds the power it once did, meaning the new Ring movie has an uphill struggle.
This semi-reboot features a woman cursed by the famous video, and she has seven days to save herself. Apparently, Samara wants to possess her instead of killing her, if the trailer is any indication. It’s also packed with jump scares and loud noises, which is a handy way to know you should be scared.
Rings has been delayed multiple times now, a sign the studio isn’t feeling confident. Paramount relaunched The Rings series hoping to replace the now dormant Paranormal Activity movies, but based on the feedback thus far, they probably shouldn’t buy a yacht just yet.