10 Big Questions From The Fantastic Four Trailer

2. Who Is In The Hospital Bed?

The smart money is on Doom: there's a very definite glimpse of a particularly metal looking face at the very least, and while he's shown to be walking through some sort of military unit taking out heavily armed soldiers, he's clearly not going to be quite so active for the entire film. The big secret of the trailer so far is how Victor Van Damme becomes Doom: does he over-experiment and cause himself the molecular injuries that turn him into the villain? Is he not actually as linked to the Fantastic Four as first thought? Judging by the fact that Reed Richards visits him in his weakened state, there is a pre-existing relationship between the two, and it could be that Doom uses that link to manipulate his way into the Baxter building (perhaps after being ostracised) and his weakness is merely a ruse? His offer of answers is particularly pertinent.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.