10 Big Questions From The Fantastic Four Trailer

3. What The Hell Has Happened To This Place?!

Throughout the trailer there are some noticeable shots of what appears to be a post-apocalyptic scorched Earth. Some, like the volcano sequence, appear to be set in the N-Zone (considering the team are wearing the same outfits as in the experiment, and there's no giant rock man climbing with them), but they're not all in another dimension. As the trailer escalates towards the hero shot of the plane dropping out of the sky into a ray of light, it appears that part of Earth - presumably Latveria and not anywhere on main land USA (that sort of mass-scale devastation is usually reserved for elsewhere after all) - has been hugely damaged by whatever it is that's causing the column of light. Unless of course they go back to the N-Zone to find the answers they're looking for? Considering what happened the first time, that would seem pretty silly. There's very much a sense of the alien and the unknown, which fits in with the dimensional travelling, and which will presumably form the backdrop for the characters to be drawn closer together, which you would inevitably expect from Trank. But it's still going to be intriguing to see how he introduces this gigantic glowing Stone Henge.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.