10 Big Questions From The Fantastic Four Trailer

9. What Version Of The Origin Are They Using? And Why Are The Military So Involved?

It seems likely that the film will abandon the traditional arc that sees the Four steal a spaceship to beat the Soviets to the moon has been entirely jettisoned in favour of a story more closely reflecting the Ultimates origin that sees them using Richards' early fascination with teleportation technology sending them to the N-Zone. The only difference, it seems is that Victor Van Damme - who went with the four in the comics arc isn't teleported alongside them this time out. The plans for the teleportation device show only four pods, so it would seem that Doom's origin is imagined differently, despite the suggestion that he is their friend to begin with. And of course the other question is why the military are so concerned about the experiment: do they bring something back? Is it repurposed as a military experiment because of a specific threat? And how does that tie into Doom?

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.