The brief flash of Sue Storm looking over a large computer display features a couple of intriguing points. The first is the location in central Europe marked by the red dot - clearly Latveria - but even more intriguing are the three locations Storm seems to input herself. The first would indicate Texas, while the other two rest on areas in North and South Brazil, but what exactly is Sue tracking? She appears to be in a military analysis centre of some description, and she clearly hasn't broken in, considering the two guys behind her are undisturbed by her presence, but that might be something of a misdirection technique. The two shots of her looking at screens could well be spliced from different points in the film, since she's looking up in one and down in the other: perhaps it's a matter of the first being pre-origin event and the second when she's already become The Invisible Woman. Not that that explains what the coordinates on the map show.