10 Biggest Comic Book Characters Disney Could Buy From Fox
7. The New Mutants
Even though they are yet to make their cinematic debut, the New Mutants look like they're going to be a healthy new string to Fox's cinematic bow. And it would be particularly unfortunate if Disney came in and killed it all dead before a potential franchise even got off the ground (assuming it's even any good, of course).
Even though they're - rather unfortunately - considered a second-string outfit (just as X-Force and X-Factor are, thanks to the dominance of X-Men), the New Mutants offer an entirely different dynamic, and it's very interesting to see that Fox have gone with a horror approach. That's the kind of fresh addition to the comic book movie genre that really needs to be nurtured.
And while that's not really in tune with what the MCU are doing, bringing in established opportunities to diversify to Marvel's umbrella is really not a bad thing.