10 Biggest Comic Book Characters Disney Could Buy From Fox

4. Silver Surfer

Rise Of The Silver Surfer Poster
20th Century Fox

Obviously, the Silver Surfer traditionally comes into play as a herald of Galactus, but he has transcended that position in the comics and exists as a superhero in his own right. He still managed to be a compelling part of Rise Of The Silver Surfer, even with everything wrong happening around him, and he'd definitely be a strong candidate to expand the MCU's cosmic arm.

With James Gunn leading that creative charge and suggestions of a whole new Guardians Of The Galaxy line-up and other possibilities out in the vast expanse of space, it'd be simple to introduce the Silver Surfer as a charismatic new player. And him having prior knowledge of Galactus would be a great way to set up a potential Galactus Saga within the MCU, if that was deemed entirely necessary.

However it's framed, Silver Surfer's arrival would give Marvel the chance to really show off with effects, and to prove that they can make just about any character work in the MCU. Which they'd definitely like as a challenge.


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