10 Biggest Downgrades In MCU History

7. The Grandmaster

Professor Hulk
Marvel Comics

In yet another inspired piece of Taika Waititi tinkering, Thor: Ragnorak brought with it the introduction of the almighty Grandmaster, played with superb eccentricity by the zany Jeff Goldblum.

If you've only ever been exposed to this wise-cracking, though still alarmingly impulsive, iteration of the Elder of the Universe then you're likely unaware of just how much the character was actually scaled back for his MCU debut.

En Dwi Gast possesses some frankly absurd abilities in the comic books, holding power over literal death and being able to heal anyone of their ailments, regardless the extent of their pain or injury. Oh, and he also has been known to bring folks back from the dead... providing you haven't been lifeless for "too long".

The Grandmaster's superior intelligence also make him a formidable opponent when it comes to strategy and games, with his fondness for the latter being at least highlighted in the MCU during his Sakaar fight pit escapades. His ability to effectively manipulate others, and perfecting of just about every game out there thanks to his millions of years in existence are also notable notches on his belt. And the fact that Death once banished him from her realm after he bested her in a game of strategy also means he's pretty much immortal.

Though, Goldblum's Grandmaster still probably has the better quips of the two iterations... so, that's something.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...