10 Biggest Justice League Mysteries

8. Will The Joker Appear?

Justice League
Warner Bros. Pictures

Despite the amount the character was hyped up, The Joker didn’t play much of a role in Suicide Squad, and a fair chunk of his scenes ended up in deleted scene heaven. Jared Leto didn’t seem too chuffed with that outcome either, but since he’s likely signed for a few movies it’s inevitable he’ll reappear soon.

It feels like The Batman would be the obvious choice for that, considering the heavy implication that he killed Robin in the past. That theory is shot down with the news Deathstroke will be the central villain, so where does that leave The Clown Prince of Crime in the DCU?

Well, there’s a report he and Harley will make a fun appearance towards the end of the movie, where they’re in the middle of an elaborate robbery before confronted with the assembled Justice League. That sounds like a fun ending gag, though it hardly does much for his villainous rep.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.