6. Other People Are There For The Same Reason You Are
I know I was insanely excited when I was finally getting to see Inception. This however wasn't the case for the majority of other people that had come to see it at the same time as me. Inception is not a film to be taken lightly and needs your full attention throughout, and generally for a few days afterwards as well, when you try and work out whether it was all a dream or not, but whilst it may seem like I am veering off topic here; what I am trying to say it is a thinking man's action film. It is not your run of the mill cinema going experience and people who enjoy Christopher Nolan's work outside of the Batman universe will know he does not always make accessible, mainstream fare. So when the latest teen comedy or romantic drama is fully booked, the masses that could not get seats for the original film they wanted will just pluck for the next available movie and have to endure the complicated storyline and enigmatic ending. I know everyone is entitled to their own opinion to cinema and can go and see what they want, but in cases like this it may be wise to do a little bit of prior planning so the rest of the audience don't sit there scratching their heads and asking what is happening every 30 seconds.