10 Biggest Mistakes In The Marvel Cinematic Universe

9. Iron Man Too Bad

Is The Incredible Hulk the worst Marvel movie thus far? Despite having a pretty vocal fan base, it would have to take its turn under the microscope, as would Thor: The Dark World. However, conduct a poll to determine the most disappointing MCU entry and chances are Iron Man 2 would end up taking home the wooden spoon. A prime example of striking while the iron is too hot to handle, Marvel€™s decision to fast-track an Iron Man sequel as soon as the first film proved a success gave them a window of under two years to dot the i€™s and cross the t€™s €“ not long enough at the best of times, but more of an issue when the i€™s and t€™s are found in the words €˜Avengers Initiative€™. In the wake of Iron Man€™s massive opening weekend, Marvel Studios wasted no time filling up their slate, almost immediately announcing proposed dates for Iron Man 2, Thor, Captain America and The Avengers. Thor was originally going to be introduced in Iron Man 2, and while a change of plans may have worked to the God of Thunder€™s advantage, Tony Stark had to make do with a timeshare situation with S.H.I.E.L.D. which undermined the star in his own sequel. A sacrifice was probably necessary to set up The Avengers, but it was a rare Marvel misstep to burden their flagship character with so much of the grunt work and compromise his sophomore outing to such an extent.
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