10 Biggest Mistakes Suicide Squad Has Already Made

7. There Are Too Many Characters To Juggle

This is a common problem with comic book movies, and will become painfully apparent with the upcoming Avengers: Infinity War and Justice League movies as well as in Suicide Squad, where a movie simply has too large a cast of characters to juggle in a rich and meaningful way. We all know that Joker, Harley and Deadshot will likely assume the focus of the movie, while the likes of El Diablo, Enchantress, Katana and Slipknot will get relegated to piecemeal supporting parts, and that's without even mentioning the array of currently unnamed roles carved out for Scott Eastwood among others, as well as the cameo from Batman also. Though it would be ridiculous to expect every character to have the same level of development, the sheer wealth of characters suggests that the film is likely either going to feel massively over-stuffed, or end up hurling characters in just for some quick fan service but without giving them a worthwhile depiction. Hopefully Ayer can find the balance, but this already feels like too much of a muchness.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.