10 Biggest Mistakes Suicide Squad Has Already Made

5. The Marketing Has An Inconsistent Tone

Now, marketing is just one way to gauge a movie, and of course has zero bearing on whether a film is actually any good or not, but it's also reasonable to draw certain conclusions from what a set of trailers are trying to tell us. The first trailer for the movie was for the most part a dead-serious run-down of the titular group, with just a flash of a hint at Jared Leto's punk take on The Joker. The second trailer landed in January touting a totally different tone, accentuating the playful anarchy of the group and, with its use of popular music and a tongue-in-cheek tagline ("Worst. Heroes. Ever."), suggesting a film more along the lines of something like Guardians Of The Galaxy. Now, this could simply be Warner Bros' way of selling the film: after all, Batman V Superman has similarly alternated between serious and lighter trailers to cover all its bases, or it could be that both of these movies are going to be tonal messes, fleeting between somber self-seriousness and self-aware comedy with a jarring frequency.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.