10 Biggest Mistakes Terminator Genisys Has Already Made

1. Naked Kyle Reese

To use the time machine in the Terminator's future you have to go through naked as it'll only transport living flesh. It's a basic plot point that explains why Skynet would send back human-looking robots rather than simply spamming the 1980s with endoskeletons. Just don't think about it too much, because otherwise you'll find yourself imagining an image pre-transportation of naked man stood letting it all hang out while a bunch of scientists and soldiers look on in a very serious manner. Oh wait, now you don't have to even imagine it - for some reason Terminator Genisys is dramatising that mental image you never wanted to acknowledge. But, as evidenced from the trailer, the film won't stop there - there's going to be a scene where said naked man embraces his grown-up son, who knows full well this is his father just before his conception. Back To The Future's incest looks positively normal. Yes, it's all implied in the earlier film, but seeing it happen is just bizarre - it's a silly visual image, yet it'll be played with an air of sincerity. Show as much of the purple-hued future as you want, but this is one bit that isn't needed. At all. What do you expect from Terminator Genisys? Will it suck, or could it take the franchise to exciting new places? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.