10 Biggest Mistakes Terminator Genisys Has Already Made

7. Relying Purely On Nostalgia

Remember that bit in The Terminator when Arnold turns up all naked? Or when Kyle Reese is in a clothes store running from the place? What about in Terminator 2: Judgement Day when the T-1000 does lots of cool metal morphing? Well you better, because otherwise half of Terminator Genisys will go over your head. Like Star Trek before it, Terminator is going back to the start to rewrite the whole thing, with Genisys at least in part presenting an alternate take on the original two movies. On the face of it that's a cool idea - it did lend Trek a new lease of blockbuster life - and one that's been implicitly possible for the franchise ever since T2 messed with the future timeline, but judging from the trailer it appears like the film's using this technique less to craft a new exciting story and more to present a run down of the franchise's greatest hits. Irritating as that will be for die-hard fans - who wants a constant reminder of better movies - it pales in comparison to the effect this will have on those who don't know Cameron's movies inside out; all this camera-winking won't make a jot of sense. So much of popular culture is nostalgia driven, but in going back to the originals in the most literal sense Terminator Genisys looks set to have nothing progressive, a mistake it's dinosaur and lightsaber rivals don't look to be making.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.