10 Biggest Movie and TV News This Week (Dec 21)

2. Paul Rudd Is Marvel's Ant-Man

Paul Rudd Antman1 Excitement for Edgar Wright's upcoming Marvel Studios film, Ant-Man, has been building since the director was attached to the movie a few years ago. The film hits theaters on July 31, 2015, and is gearing up to start production next year. All the film needed was a leading man, and on Friday we were given official confirmation that Paul Rudd has landed the titular role. Matt Holmes has already written an article for the site about the news, so I won't talk much about it here. However, it's exciting news and another potential great casting choice for Marvel Studios. Paul Rudd is known for his comedic performances, but has a lot more range than he's given credit for. With Wright behind the camera, Rudd is in good hands and this news helps solidify Ant-Man as one of Marvel Studios' most interesting upcoming projects.
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James is a 24 year old writer and filmmaker living in Portland, OR. He attended college for graphic design and writes for various sources on the web about film, television, and entertainment. You can view all of his work on his website, www.thereeljames.wordpress.com