10 Biggest Movie and TV News This Week (Dec 21)

3. Argo Writer Hired To Polish Batman Vs. Superman Script

Terrio With David S. Goyer now busy with a number of comic book properties for Warner Bros., one can't help but wonder how his workload may affect Batman Vs. Superman, which he's been hired to write along with Zack Snyder. On Wednesday, The Hollywood Reporter announced that Chris Terrio, who won an Academy Award for his Argo screenplay, has been brought in to write a draft of the BvS script. People on Twitter were quick to take this as a sign that Goyer's original script may be in trouble, but Terrio has most likely been hired to touch up the script and get the film ready for principal photography, which starts early next year. It's not uncommon for scripts to go through several drafts, and a movie as big as this one is important enough to warrant a polish. Terrio already has a strong relationship with our new Batman, Ben Affleck, and it's encouraging that the two will be working together again. Regardless of whether or not you think the film may be in trouble, it's worth noting that bringing in an Oscar winning writer to polish a superhero script is a good move. Goyer, love him or hate him, is a great idea man, but has often been criticized for his writing. He works great with collaborators, so hopefully he and Terrio can come up with a great story for Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman.
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James is a 24 year old writer and filmmaker living in Portland, OR. He attended college for graphic design and writes for various sources on the web about film, television, and entertainment. You can view all of his work on his website, www.thereeljames.wordpress.com