10 Biggest Mysteries Surrounding 2016's Biggest Movies

4. Which Character Is Martin Freeman Playing? - Captain America: Civil War

When the news came that Martin Freeman had been cast in an unspecified role in the upcoming superhero battle royale that is Captain America: Civil War, the world rejoiced. Why? Well, because everybody on the planet loves Martin Freeman, and the notion of more Martin Freeman - especially in a MCU movie - is exactly what the doctor ordered. And yet there is still a lingering mystery hanging over this casting choice, as fans are still yet to discover who, exactly, Freeman will be playing. This little description - courtesy of Freeman himself - is pretty much all that has been revealed of the character:
"He works for the American government in conjunction with the superheroes and certain agencies that help to... tame...the superheroes power. You're not quite sure which side he's on. It looks a little bit like he's playing one game when actually he's playing another."
Whilst some fans have theorised that Freeman is set to play a character called Everett Ross, others have speculated that he could be playing one Senator Robert Kelly. There's even a rumour that he'll be playing the British Prime Minister (though it seems unlikely).

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.