10 Biggest Similarities Between Guardians Of The Galaxy And Star Wars

6. Thanos And Palpatine

There's no denying that when Thanos was first revealed in Guardians Of The Galaxy, sitting atop his throne in the cosmos, an immediate comparison to the Sith Lord Emperor Palpatine was made. Although audiences have already witnessed the rise and fall of Palpatine on screen, fans are just getting to know the Mad Titan Thanos. As his story arc and evil plans continue to unfold, the comparison between these two villains is something that will only grow stronger. Spawned from two different worlds, both men have the driving desire to wield power over lesser beings. Palpatine strives for complete order and ultimate control, while Thanos' motives are still a bit murky. For now fans can only speculate as to where the story will turn with Thanos, the MCU, and the eventual reveal of the Infinity Wars. But with the news of another Star Wars trilogy on the horizon, fans may also still be in store for more of Palpatine's story. Admirers of Guardians Of The Galaxy should all be excited for the eventual reveal and destruction that is going to come with Thanos. With each entry into the MCU, it all leads to Thanos and his clash with the Guardians Of The Galaxy and (the Avengers). Thanos will prove to be the architect and driving force for the difficulties each set of heroes will face moving forward, meaning both men represent the puppeteer in the background playing a cosmic game of life and death for their own power.

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” - George Bernard Shaw