10 Biggest Similarities Between Guardians Of The Galaxy And Star Wars

5. Galactic Conquest

Going hand in hand with each franchise and their deplorable villains is a shared desire for galactic conquest. Palpatine sought unlimited power in the prequel Star Wars trilogy and later established his control with the Galactic Empire in the original trilogy. Ronan the Accuser in Guardians sought to make a deal with Thanos, exchanging an ancient artefact for assistance in crushing his mortal enemies the Xandarians. Although Thanos is revealed to be the evil architect, Ronan is the villain who takes center stage in the first Guardians film. While a comparison is easily made between Thanos and Palpatine, one can also be just as easily made between Ronan and Darth Vader. While both could be labeled as pawns, Ronan's agenda is one of revenge, not service. Once Ronan gains possession of the Infinity Stone, he sheds the shackles of Thanos for his own plan. It isn€™t until later into the Star Wars narrative, but Darth Vader also decides to reveal his own agenda, with an end game also involves rebelling against his master. Much like Palpatine in the first two acts of the original Star Wars trilogy, Thanos is a shadowy figure lurking in the background. However it's understood that the entire fate of the galaxy hangs in the balance and everything leading up to a major conflict is simply child's play. At its core, the battle for galactic conquest in both universes is an epic, ongoing battle between good and evil.

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” - George Bernard Shaw