10 Biggest Star Trek Moments Of 2021

6. Brad Boimler Breaks The Internet

Janeway Prodigy

Star Trek: Lower Decks' second-season episode I, Excretus delivered an image that will forever remain etched into the memories of viewers. Brad Boimler, fresh from a round of yoga, spreadeagled on the bar in the mess hall. It was at the same moment glorious, and impressive - that man can bend.

What the writers probably didn't anticipate was the sheer explosion that went off on social media once this episode aired. Rather strong opinions were expressed, with many calling this an example of 'is this what Star Trek has become?' It even inspired a fantastic pumpkin carving, arriving so close as it did to Halloween.

Naturally, the scene had its fans as well - this writer being chiefly among them - who saw it for the hilarious nonsense it was. This version of Boimler appeared in one of Mariner's training programs, shocking her sufficiently to dive out of the simulation, chased as she was by a very naked Shax and Dr. T'ana.

Special mention must go to Billups, the wonderful chief engineer of the Cerritos who, even in this simulation, retains his asexual status. Go enjoy that PADD, you prince among men.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick