10 Biggest Star Trek Moments Of 2021

7. Janeway's Return To Star Trek

Janeway Prodigy

When the first trailer for Star Trek: Prodigy dropped earlier this year, audiences were treated to Kate Mulgrew's voice beaming directly into their ears for the first time in a long time. This was only matched with the beginning of the series, when the holographic training program appeared in front of the rag-tag crew.

Prodigy is aimed at bringing a new and younger audience to Star Trek, while still managing to balance enough interest in older fans as well. Much of this is down to Mulgrew's performance, which brings elements of the Janeway that existed in Voyager, while having that caring and nurturing resonance so necessary for this younger, rag-tag crew.

Of the five episodes broadcast in 2021, Janeway has played a significant part in four of them, perhaps surprising audiences with how much of a role she has. This is no mere cameo or token appearance by a legacy character to keep the naysayers from moaning. This is a real return to form for Starfleet's first leading female captain, and it made 2021 a very good year for fans of Kathryn Janeway.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick