10 Biggest Ways The DCEU Has Changed From Original Plans

8. Remember When Cyborg Was Getting His Own Movie?

Green Lantern
Warner Bros.

In an alternate universe, Cyborg's solo movie would have arrived in theaters four weeks ago, but instead it looks increasingly unlikely that we'll ever see him in the DCEU again.

You have to feel bad for Ray Fisher, who has been a part of the franchise for six years and has very little to show for it. Once the building blocks for the early years of the DCEU began to fall into place, Cyborg became an afterthought, and based on the brief amount of screentime he was given in Justice League it was obvious that his standalone outing was never going to happen.

Fisher was also expected to play a major supporting role in The Flash, which ended up being beset by production troubles of its own, and the actor has been vocal in his disappointment in how Warner Bros. ended up handling his character.

While he still holds out hope that it might one day see the light of day, there doesn't seem to be any place for him as part of the DCEU's current trajectory.


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