10 Biggest WTF Moments In Suspiria

7. The Hot Wing

Suspiria 2018 Blanc

Shortly after Dakota Johnson's now-spelled Susie Bannion acquires the role of the protagonist in the company's performance of Volk, Tilda Swinton's Madame Blanc asks her to come to her office.

While there, the two discuss a great many things about Susie's past and her aspirations, and the entire conversation is essentially just one big WTF. One of the most notable highlights though is a glorious low-angle shot of Swinton's Blanc, framing her like a hero, just absolutely gnawing on a hot wing.

Johnson's Susie is also eating in the scene but she's using utensils and eating something much more, for lack of a better term, normal for the scene. But don't worry, Susie gets to get in on the WTF action shortly after, as Blanc asks her what she felt when she danced the lead role in Volk in front of her, the person who originated the role. To which Susie responds;

"It felt like what I think it must feel like to f**k."

When Blanc assumes that Susie means what it must feel like to f*ck a man, things get even more WTF as Susie corrects her;

"No. I was thinking of an animal."

This entire sequence is full of deliriously nutty moments like this that are sure to have the more respectable audience members at the local cinema gasping for air.

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A film enthusiast and writer, who'll explain to you why Jingle All The Way is a classic any day of the week.