10 Bizarre Movie Moments You Just Accepted

8. Buzz Freezes When Andy Enters... Despite Not Thinking He's A Toy - Toy Story

Legolas Eyes

During his side-splitting first appearance on-screen in 1995's Toy Story, the iconic Buzz Lightyear is shown pretty early on to be a toy who thinks he's anything but.

However, despite this space ranger not feeling he was a play thing at all, you likely didn't realise during your first few watches of the Pixar classic that this still doesn't stop Buzz from strangely freezing whenever his owner Andy enters a room.

So, what gives?

Well, according to Pete Doctor (via Huffpost), who helped write the story for this first Toy Story entry, the folks behind the project did ask themselves why Buzz would go stiff during these moments if he didn't actually believe he was a toy. However, they soon realised after much discussion that "nobody cared."

Now you could argue that perhaps Buzz's instinct to freeze in position was a part of his programming. But in real-life, this was simply a bizarre occurrence that the folks making the flick didn't think you'd be that bothered about.

And with the film going on to become an all-time animation classic and very few being quick to call out Buzz's out of character stiffness, they were right on the money.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...