10 Bizarre Movie Moments You Just Accepted

5. How Did The Tiles Indy Held Onto Not Crumble Too After Misspelling Jehovah - The Last Crusade

Legolas Eyes

As the legendary whip-cracker known as Indiana Jones attempts to make it across a floor of letters by spelling out the name of God during The Last Crusade, this silly professor of archaeology forgets that Jehovah starts with an "I" in Latin.

Jones soon slips right through the floor before just managing to cling onto it and pulling himself back up to the surface.

But surely if the other letters that didn't form part of that word of God around "J" were also as brittle, then they would have similarly crumbled when Jones put any weight on them, right?

Now you could argue that said blocks may have needed Jones' entire body weight pushing down on them to fall through. However, the scene also shows Indy simply grazing a non-Jehovah letter, only for that to also come loose.

Steven Spielberg likely just didn't want to have his titular hero tumble to a horrible death after getting so close to finding the all-important Holy Grail. So, the director simply had the dangerous room react in the way that best suited the needs of the story.

But you were likely too busy rooting for Indy to make it to his destination to notice this inconsistent floor anyway.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...