10 Bizarre Movie Moments You Just Accepted

4. Hermione And Ron Finally Smooch… Whilst Hogwarts Is Being Attacked - The Deathly Hallows: Part 2

Legolas Eyes
Warner Bros. Pictures

With Hogwarts about to be torn apart by Death Eaters and other dark forces in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, Ron and Hermione find themselves having to destroy one of the final Horcruxes in the Chamber of Secrets with a Basilisk fang.

It's pretty intense stuff. And a ton of their friends and family's lives are all depending on the two getting the job done and returning to help Harry and the gang overcome The Dark Lord Voldemort.

Thankfully they survive stabbing Helga Hufflepuff’s cup, and after realising that they had lived to tell this tale, the two lovebirds finally shared a passionate - and rather soggy - make out session.

How sweet.

And it was that feeling of relief that these two had finally shared a smooch after all these years that largely overshadowed the fact that the magical pair had opted to waste precious time making out in a chamber instead of rushing back out to assist the folks trying to keep Voldemort from unleashing his army on their school.

But who cares about trying to stop evil in its tracks when love is in the air, eh?

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